We re picking up an awesome present basket from for Hooray 21

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Preparing a gift basket for shipping isn't complicated, although it does receive a tiny time and work. Any few additional steps are involved when you're packing something with multiple bits to hold in place, but if you take a few careful steps with the packing, your gift basket will arrive at thems destination looking only as it did when you put it in the box.

Trouble: Reasonable Directions

Things You'll Want:

Foam rubber sheets, around 2 inches thick

Shrink-wrap bag

Corrugated cardboard box

Sheets regarding Styrofoam, roughly 2 inches thick


1 Cut the sheets of foam rubber into pieces and wedge them among the items in the gift basket so they don't move and hit only another, particularly if the items are breakable.

2 Place the shrink-wrap bag over the best of the gift basket, folding plus taping down the bag's wide open closure on the underside about the basket. Utilize a hair dryer to shrink the wrap to healthy, pursuing the recommendations on the shrink-wrap package.

3 Pour any 1-inch layer about packing peanuts into the bottom of the cardboard box. Put the gift basket within the box on top regarding this layer.

4 Cut sheets of Styrofoam in pieces that is are the suitable size to wedge between the basket also the sides about the box to hold the basket from moving. Place wedges on all 4 sides regarding the basket.

5 Fill the rest about the space inside the box with more packing peanuts or crumpled paper. Close the box and tape it securely with packing tape.

6 Write "This Side Upwards" on the best about the box, and write "Fragile" also "Deal with with Attention" on the sides regarding the box and on the top.

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